Jejebusters: the Castaways

Posted: July 4, 2010 in People, Uncategorized

SMS also known as text messaging is one of the highlights of the 21st century information revolution. Transfer of information from New York to Tokyo or to any other parts of the world is just a key-press away. A tap of a finger can make a difference. Real time messages are composed, sent, stored, relayed and archived. But people go beyond the fruits borne by this technology. They abused, misused and overused the purpose of text messaging to which it is essential. Jejebusters are one of them.

For your information, texting is not an art. It is an information service provided by cellular networks to aid communication between people across the world. So, defining jejemon as an art would deemed texting not to be contemplated with jejemon. People who connect jejemon to texting would otherwise need to prove this claim by proving evidence to the contrary.

Jejemon texting is such a shame to those who love it. Jejebusters claimed it as a cool avenue of expressing themselves. Where is the cool part of it? Is it cool to use unnecessary characters to extend your messages more than it should be as far as the allowable characters is concerned? Is it cool to mispell the words to convey your feelings and emotions that would otherwise crash the head of your reader or worst if it bleed his nose? Is it cool to promote wrong grammar and spelling intentionally because you wanna be cool even if you’re not? Sucks. Hardly. People used to texting in a jejemon way should find themselves a quill and a papyrus and vanish to start writing the way ancient people did it way back thousands of years ago. They don’t belong to the current civilization. I believe, they are castaways of the cro-magnon group who were literally thrown in today’s time.

So what’s the hell? If you trash an item from your desktop, you can retrieve it from your recycle bin, but if you delete it thereafter, you’ll lost it forever. So the hell is penal in nature. The only difference here is your mind don’t have a recycle bin, the moment you lost intelligence, you’ll damn yourself forever.

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